How to install#

Generating/Installing distribution archives#

For any operating system, install the following:

  • Python

  • pip

  • Git (only when building the package yourself)


Installing from .whl file

Make sure to choose the appropriate file for your OS. For Linux, the file name should contain something like: linux_x86_64

pip install dist_name.whl

Installing directly from the repository:

cd path/to/pytopotoolbox
pip install .

Generating distribution archives

cd path/to/pytopotoolbox
python3 -m pip install --upgrade build
python3 -m build


Installing from .whl file

Make sure to choose the appropriate file for your OS. For Windows, the file name should contain something like: win_amd64.

pip install dist_name.whl

Installing directly from the repository:

Since there are C/C++ files that need to be compiled in order to build the package, there are a few extra steps to take.

  1. Install the Developer Command Prompt for VS 2022.
    • Scroll down to ‘All Downloads

    • Open ‘Tools for Visual Studio

    • Download ‘Build Tools for Visual Studio 2022

    • Install it while including the ‘Desktop development with C++’ workload

  2. To ensure the compiler is working with 64-bit architecture, that is necessary for python, open ‘x64 Native Tools Command Prompt for VS 2022’ instead of the ‘Developer Command Prompt’ that defaults to 32-bit architecture.

  3. In the newly opened terminal, run:

    cd path\to\pytopotoolbox
    pip install .

Generating distribution archives

Open the ‘x64 Native Tools Command Prompt for VS 2022’ Terminal and run:

cd path\to\pytopotoolbox
py -m pip install --upgrade build
py -m build


work in progress