Loading an example GridObject

Loading an example GridObject#

The TopoToolbox provides a few example .tif files. These Files will get saved in a local cache. To delete these Files, run topotoolbox.clear_cache().

import topotoolbox as topo

# Print all available example files

# Download an example file
dem = topo.load_dem("taiwan")

# Print all files currently saved in your cache
['kedarnath', 'kunashiri', 'perfectworld', 'taalvolcano', 'taiwan', 'tibet']

name: taiwan
path: /home/runner/.cache/topotoolbox/taiwan.tif
rows: 4181
cols: 2253
cellsize: 90.0
bounds: BoundingBox(left=197038.4533204764, bottom=2422805.9007333447, right=399808.4533204764, top=2799095.9007333447)
transform: | 90.00, 0.00, 197038.45|
| 0.00,-90.00, 2799095.90|
| 0.00, 0.00, 1.00|
crs: EPSG:32651
