Source code for topotoolbox.grid_object

"""This module contains the GridObject class.

import copy

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# pylint: disable=import-error
from ._grid import (  # type: ignore

__all__ = ['GridObject']

[docs] class GridObject(): """A class containing all information of a Digital Elevation Model (DEM). """
[docs] def __init__(self) -> None: """Initialize a GridObject instance. """ # path to file self.path = '' # name of DEM = '' # raster metadata self.z = np.empty((), order='F', dtype=np.float32) self.rows = 0 self.columns = 0 self.shape = self.z.shape self.cellsize = 0.0 # georeference self.bounds = None self.transform = None = None
[docs] def fillsinks(self) -> 'GridObject': """Fill sinks in the digital elevation model (DEM). Returns ------- GridObject The filled DEM. """ dem = self.z.astype(np.float32, order='F') output = np.zeros_like(dem) grid_fillsinks(output, dem, self.shape) result = copy.copy(self) result.z = output return result
[docs] def identifyflats( self, raw: bool = False, output: list[str] | None = None) -> tuple: """Identifies flats and sills in a digital elevation model (DEM). Parameters ---------- raw : bool, optional If True, returns the raw output grid as np.ndarray. Defaults to False. output : list of str, optional List of strings indicating desired output types. Possible values are 'sills', 'flats'. Order of inputs in list are irrelevant, first entry in output will always be sills. Defaults to ['sills', 'flats']. Returns ------- tuple A tuple containing copies of the DEM with identified flats and/or sills. Notes ----- Flats are identified as 1s, sills as 2s, and presills as 5s (since they are also flats) in the output grid. Only relevant when using raw=True. """ # Since having lists as default arguments can lead to problems, output # is initialized with None by default and only converted to a list # containing default output here: if output is None: output = ['sills', 'flats'] dem = self.z.astype(np.float32, order='F') output_grid = np.zeros_like(dem, dtype=np.int32) grid_identifyflats(output_grid, dem, self.shape) if raw: return tuple(output_grid) result = [] if 'flats' in output: flats = copy.copy(self) flats.z = np.zeros_like(flats.z, order='F') flats.z = np.where((output_grid & 1) == 1, 1, flats.z) result.append(flats) if 'sills' in output: sills = copy.copy(self) sills.z = np.zeros_like(sills.z, order='F') sills.z = np.where((output_grid & 2) == 2, 1, sills.z) result.append(sills) return tuple(result)
[docs] def excesstopography( self, threshold: "float | int | np.ndarray | GridObject" = 0.2, method: str = 'fsm2d',) -> 'GridObject': """ Compute the two-dimensional excess topography using the specified method. Parameters ---------- threshold : float, int, GridObject, or np.ndarray, optional Threshold value or array to determine slope limits, by default 0.2. If a float or int, the same threshold is applied to the entire DEM. If a GridObject or np.ndarray, it must match the shape of the DEM. method : str, optional Method to compute the excess topography, by default 'fsm2d'. Options are: - 'fsm2d': Uses the fast sweeping method. - 'fmm2d': Uses the fast marching method. Returns ------- GridObject A new GridObject with the computed excess topography. Raises ------ ValueError If `method` is not one of ['fsm2d', 'fmm2d']. If `threshold` is an np.ndarray and doesn't match the shape of the DEM. TypeError If `threshold` is not a float, int, GridObject, or np.ndarray. """ if method not in ['fsm2d', 'fmm2d']: err = (f"Invalid method '{method}'. Supported methods are" + " 'fsm2d' and 'fmm2d'.") raise ValueError(err) from None dem = self.z if isinstance(threshold, (float, int)): threshold_slopes = np.full( dem.shape, threshold, order='F', dtype=np.float32) elif isinstance(threshold, GridObject): threshold_slopes = threshold.z elif isinstance(threshold, np.ndarray): threshold_slopes = threshold else: err = "Threshold must be a float, int, GridObject, or np.ndarray." raise TypeError(err) from None if not dem.shape == threshold_slopes.shape: err = "Threshold array must have the same shape as the DEM." raise ValueError(err) from None if not threshold_slopes.flags['F_CONTIGUOUS']: threshold_slopes = np.asfortranarray(threshold) if not np.issubdtype(threshold_slopes.dtype, np.float32): threshold_slopes = threshold_slopes.astype(np.float32) excess = np.zeros_like(dem) cellsize = self.cellsize if method == 'fsm2d': grid_excesstopography_fsm2d( excess, dem, threshold_slopes, cellsize, self.shape) elif method == 'fmm2d': heap = np.zeros_like(dem, dtype=np.int64) back = np.zeros_like(dem, dtype=np.int64) grid_excesstopography_fmm2d(excess, heap, back, dem, threshold_slopes, cellsize, self.shape) result = copy.copy(self) result.z = excess return result
def _gwdt_computecosts(self) -> np.ndarray: """ Compute the cost array used in the gradient-weighted distance transform (GWDT) algorithm. Returns ------- np.ndarray A 2D array of costs corresponding to each grid cell in the DEM. """ dem = self.z flats = self.identifyflats(raw=True) filled_dem = self.fillsinks().z dims = self.shape costs = np.zeros_like(dem, dtype=np.float32, order='F') conncomps = np.zeros_like(dem, dtype=np.int64, order='F') grid_gwdt_computecosts(costs, conncomps, flats, dem, filled_dem, dims) del conncomps, flats, filled_dem return costs def _gwdt(self) -> np.ndarray: """ Perform the grey-weighted distance transform (GWDT) on the DEM. Returns ------- np.ndarray A 2D array representing the GWDT distances for each grid cell. """ costs = self._gwdt_computecosts() flats = self.identifyflats(raw=True) dims = self.shape dist = np.zeros_like(flats, dtype=np.float32, order='F') prev = np.zeros_like(flats, dtype=np.int64, order='F') heap = np.zeros_like(flats, dtype=np.int64, order='F') back = np.zeros_like(flats, dtype=np.int64, order='F') grid_gwdt(dist, prev, costs, flats, heap, back, dims) del costs, prev, heap, back return dist def _flow_routing_d8_carve(self) -> tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """ Compute the flow routing using the D8 algorithm with carving for flat areas. Returns ------- np.ndarray array indicating the source cells for flow routing. (source) np.ndarray array indicating the flow direction for each grid cell. (direction) """ filled_dem = self.fillsinks().z dist = self._gwdt() flats = self.identifyflats(raw=True) dims = self.shape source = np.zeros_like(flats, dtype=np.int64, order='F') direction = np.zeros_like(flats, dtype=np.uint8, order='F') grid_flow_routing_d8_carve( source, direction, filled_dem, dist, flats, dims) del filled_dem, dist, flats return source, direction def _flow_routing_targets(self) -> np.ndarray: """ Identify the target cells for flow routing. Returns ------- np.ndarray A 2D array where each cell points to its downstream target cell. """ source, direction = self._flow_routing_d8_carve() dims = self.shape target = np.zeros_like(source, dtype=np.int64, order='F') grid_flow_routing_targets(target, source, direction, dims) del source, direction return target
[docs] def info(self) -> None: """Prints all variables of a GridObject. """ print(f"name: {}") print(f"path: {self.path}") print(f"rows: {self.rows}") print(f"cols: {self.columns}") print(f"cellsize: {self.cellsize}") print(f"bounds: {self.bounds}") print(f"transform: {self.transform}") print(f"crs: {}")
[docs] def show(self, cmap='terrain') -> None: """ Display the GridObject instance as an image using Matplotlib. Parameters ---------- cmap : str, optional Matplotlib colormap that will be used in the plot. """ plt.imshow(self, cmap=cmap) plt.title( plt.colorbar() plt.tight_layout()
# 'Magic' functions: # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ def __eq__(self, other): dem = copy.deepcopy(self) if not isinstance(other, self.__class__): raise TypeError("Can only compare two GridObjects.") if self.columns != other.columns or self.rows != other.rows: raise ValueError("Both GridObjects have to be the same size.") for x in range(0, self.columns): for y in range(0, self.rows): dem.z[x][y] = self.z[x][y] == other.z[x][y] return dem def __ne__(self, other): dem = copy.deepcopy(self) if not isinstance(other, self.__class__): raise TypeError("Can only compare two GridObjects.") if self.columns != other.columns or self.rows != other.rows: raise ValueError("Both GridObjects have to be the same size.") for x in range(0, self.columns): for y in range(0, self.rows): dem.z[x][y] = self.z[x][y] != other.z[x][y] return dem def __gt__(self, other): dem = copy.deepcopy(self) if not isinstance(other, self.__class__): raise TypeError("Can only compare two GridObjects.") if self.columns != other.columns or self.rows != other.rows: raise ValueError("Both GridObjects have to be the same size.") for x in range(0, self.columns): for y in range(0, self.rows): dem.z[x][y] = self.z[x][y] > other.z[x][y] return dem def __lt__(self, other): dem = copy.deepcopy(self) if not isinstance(other, self.__class__): raise TypeError("Can only compare two GridObjects.") if self.columns != other.columns or self.rows != other.rows: raise ValueError("Both GridObjects have to be the same size.") for x in range(0, self.columns): for y in range(0, self.rows): dem.z[x][y] = self.z[x][y] < other.z[x][y] return dem def __ge__(self, other): dem = copy.deepcopy(self) if not isinstance(other, self.__class__): raise TypeError("Can only compare two GridObjects.") if self.columns != other.columns or self.rows != other.rows: raise ValueError("Both GridObjects have to be the same size.") for x in range(0, self.columns): for y in range(0, self.rows): dem.z[x][y] = self.z[x][y] >= other.z[x][y] return dem def __le__(self, other): dem = copy.deepcopy(self) if not isinstance(other, self.__class__): raise TypeError("Can only compare two GridObjects.") if self.columns != other.columns or self.rows != other.rows: raise ValueError("Both GridObjects have to be the same size.") for x in range(0, self.columns): for y in range(0, self.rows): dem.z[x][y] = self.z[x][y] <= other.z[x][y] return dem def __add__(self, other): dem = copy.copy(self) if isinstance(other, self.__class__): dem.z = self.z + other.z return dem dem.z = self.z + other return dem def __sub__(self, other): dem = copy.copy(self) if isinstance(other, self.__class__): dem.z = self.z - other.z return dem dem.z = self.z - other return dem def __mul__(self, other): dem = copy.copy(self) if isinstance(other, self.__class__): dem.z = self.z * other.z return dem dem.z = self.z * other return dem def __div__(self, other): dem = copy.copy(self) if isinstance(other, self.__class__): dem.z = self.z / other.z return dem dem.z = self.z / other return dem def __and__(self, other): dem = copy.deepcopy(self) if not isinstance(other, self.__class__): raise TypeError("Can only compare two GridObjects.") if self.columns != other.columns or self.rows != other.rows: raise ValueError("Both GridObjects have to be the same size.") for x in range(0, self.columns): for y in range(0, self.rows): if (self.z[x][y] not in [0, 1] or other.z[x][y] not in [0, 1]): raise ValueError( "Invalid cell value. 'and' can only compare " + "True (1) and False (0) values.") dem.z[x][y] = (int(self.z[x][y]) & int(other.z[x][y])) return dem def __or__(self, other): dem = copy.deepcopy(self) if not isinstance(other, self.__class__): raise TypeError("Can only compare two GridObjects.") if self.columns != other.columns or self.rows != other.rows: raise ValueError("Both GridObjects have to be the same size.") for x in range(0, self.columns): for y in range(0, self.rows): if (self.z[x][y] not in [0, 1] or other.z[x][y] not in [0, 1]): raise ValueError( "Invalid cell value. 'or' can only compare True (1)" + " and False (0) values.") dem.z[x][y] = (int(self.z[x][y]) | int(other.z[x][y])) return dem def __xor__(self, other): dem = copy.deepcopy(self) if not isinstance(other, self.__class__): raise TypeError("Can only compare two GridObjects.") if self.columns != other.columns or self.rows != other.rows: raise ValueError("Both GridObjects have to be the same size.") for x in range(0, self.columns): for y in range(0, self.rows): if (self.z[x][y] not in [0, 1] or other.z[x][y] not in [0, 1]): raise ValueError( "Invalid cell value. 'xor' can only compare True (1)" + " and False (0) values.") dem.z[x][y] = (int(self.z[x][y]) ^ int(other.z[x][y])) return dem def __len__(self): return len(self.z) def __iter__(self): return iter(self.z) def __getitem__(self, index): return self.z[index] def __setitem__(self, index, value): try: value = np.float32(value) except (ValueError, TypeError): raise TypeError( f"{value} can't be converted to float32.") from None self.z[index] = value def __array__(self): return self.z def __str__(self): return str(self.z)